Facts are temporal. The Truth is Eternal. Maybe you are going through a Crisis right now - It is an Undeniable fact - But what does the Truth say about the Fact? Listen to this revelatory sermon about The Voice of Truth! The verdict is clear! Jesus said I am The Way, The Truth! Shared at Jubilee Revival AG Church - Oct 19. Hosted by Pas Samuel Jeyaraj and Pas Premila Jeyaraj - Bangalore. Translated into Kannada by Pastor Stephen.
Tags fact truth temporal eternal sermon Jesus Jubilee Revival AG Pastor Samuel Jeyaraj Pastor Premila Jeyaraj voice of truth
Verdict The way Pastor Sandeep Daniel
fact,truth,temporal,eternal,sermon,Jesus,jubilee revival ag church bangalore,pastor samuel jayaraj,pastor pramila jeyaraj bible study,pastor pramila jeyaraj,verdict,The way,The truth,the Life,sandeep daniel ministries,Pastor Sandeep Daniel,ag church,voice of truth,