
Acts: Third Way Thinking | October 20 , 2019

Acts: Third Way Thinking | October 20 , 2019 What’s your biggest dream about what this church could be?

This Sunday we're going to talk about the beauty of possibility and the wisdom of letting go of binary thinking - believing that things either go one way or the other. We’ll talk about the power of new possibility - the power of third way thinking. It’s all over the Bible. In scripture, people expect things to turn out one way or another, and then twists occur that are on par with the best turns in literature. In this week's passage, Acts 21:37-40, Paul's patience demonstrates to us the value of waiting on God. It is the hope of the Christian that by faith, we wait to receive from God whatever on-ramp or off-ramp God is giving us.

We have entered a season church life where people will say, “this is going to go one way or the other.” I rebuke that binary thinking. Instead, I choose to believe that the God of creativity is at work in this place, and this God is saturating this place with possibility.

So I ask again, what’s your biggest dream about what this church could be? God’s dreams are bigger. It is our job to be patient and faithful. It’s our job to avoid the trap of thinking that things always turn out one way or the other. It’s our job, like it was Paul’s job, to have faith and believe that the power of Christ will give us third way solutions. Amen.


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