
Self-Worth, Self Confidence and the Human Design Will Center

Self-Worth, Self Confidence and the Human Design Will Center If you want to be self-confident you must have a strong sense of self-worth and use your power correctly. The gates of the Human Design will / heart center shed light on how we as humans can use our power correctly and operate from a sense of self-worth.

Here are some questions to ponder that can support your personal work toward living as a more open-hearted and confident human being...

Gate 51 - Do you live from your creative spirit and know that it's an expression of something bigger than you?

Gate 26 - Have you released the baggage from the past so that you can recognize who you're here to create material success with from a place of integrity?

Gate 40 - Do you exercise good boundaries with your social alliances so that you only say yes to those things that you have the heart to do?

Gate 21 - What are you trying to control that keeps you from being an open-hearted member of the human tribe?

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self confidence,human design,human design bodygraph,human design will center,human design heart center,Human design gate,human design gates,human design gate 51,human design gate 21,human design gate 40,human design gate 26 44,human design gate 26,rave bodygraph,

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