
ilmHub Center Fundraising | Assist and Share as much as possible!

ilmHub Center Fundraising | Assist and Share as much as possible! Bismillahi Ta’ala

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah

Alhamdulillah, by the fadl of Allah and His Blessings, ilmHub has been operating virtually as a central location for those seeking to root themselves in the Hanafi scholarly tradition since 2014. Through the efforts of multiple Ulama, many students of knowledge have benefited from the wide range of activities that have been offered under the umbrella of ilmHub.

We have recently encountered a tremendous opportunity to open up a physical space for our activities and are hoping for help from Allah through your donations to make this space a reality.

You may assist us through any of the following ways:

1. Go to and donate whatever amount pleases you towards this Sadaqah Jaariya. May Allah return it all towards you multi-fold, Amīn.

2. You can also visit and make a pledge for a monthly amount. As little as $10 monthly can assist us with long lasting help towards running expenses.

3. You could make duʿāʾ for our project; and take charge to share this message with at-least 5 suitable contacts to spread the word for this Sadaqah Jaariyah. Every initiative from you, earns you rewards from Allah!

JazakAllahu Khairan for taking this time.

May Allah accept even your thoughts and reward you abundantly for it, Amīn

ilmHub Center Fundraiser Team


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