| IIT JEE 2020 | JEE Main Chemistry | IIT JEE Mains 2020 | Aldehydes Ketones and Carboxylic Acid Class 12
| Aldehyde Ketone
| Organic Chemistry Aldehydes and Ketones
| Aldehydes and Ketones Reactions
| IIT JEE Chemistry
| JEE Main 2020
Let's learn the complete details about the 'Aldehydes and Ketones' from Organic Chemistry. If you follow this live session you will definitely get good knowledge about Aldehydes and Ketones.
For further practice problems on Aldehydes and Ketones, download the assignment here:-
Session PDF for Aldehydes and Ketones:-
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✅ Mock Test 1:
✅ Mock Test 2:
✅ Mock Test 3:
Our goal in this session of 'Aldehydes and Ketones' is to introduce some of the shortcut tricks to crack Aldehydes and Ketones Class 12' chapter, which may be helpful for students in scoring good marks in JEE Main Chemistry.
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✅ Playlist 1: JEE Mains 2020 & JEE Advanced 2020 ➡️
✅ Playlist 2: JEE 45 Days Sprint 2020:
✅ Playlist 3: Aldehydes and Ketones by Pahul Sir:
✅ JEE Main Previous Year Question Paper with Answer Keys and Solutions (2014 to 2019) :
Watch our new JEE 2020 session on 'Aldehydes and Ketones' in Organic Chemistry Class 12. Hey all the JEE Aspirants out there! Mains is approaching and so is your anxiety level! Isn’t it? No worries, Pahul Sir, at Vedantu has got your back with today's topic.
#aldehydesandketones #aldehyde #ketones #jeechemistry #organicchemistry
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