
10 in 2020 - 10 Exciting Games To WATCH For Next Year

10 in 2020 - 10 Exciting Games To WATCH For Next Year These are 10 exciting games to watch for in 2020. Not the only 10 just some from next year I am keeping an eye on for Xbox, Ps4, Switch, Next Generation consoles like PS5 and Scarlett, and PC.
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I am not one of those bigger gaming website no 2 minute reviews here only details. Videogame reviews all the time. So if you are tired of short reviews, ones that don't discuss all the game, this is the right place. No big website 2-minute stuff here.

Coverage includes ps4, xbox one, pc, xbox 360, Wii, Wiiu, Switch, and digital storefronts like Steam, as well as companies like Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo

Buy, wait for a sale, rent, or never touch it. The Patented Karak review system to see if a game is worth a buy upon release.

Integrity Statement*
Any game code supplied by PR/Dev is purchased again upon its release and given away to Patrons. No game is reviewed for free and no sponsorships for game reviews taken. My money is on the line just like everyone's.
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