RISK AWARENESS WEEK 2019 broadcasted online at from 14 to 18 October 2019
Here are the reasons what makes this template awesome:
it forces to look for assumptions
it maps the risks against each assumption
it adds volatility to the actual assumptions, no risk ratings, risks are represented by the volatility of the assumptions
it maps mitigation actions against assumptions
it allows for validation and feedback from the decision makers
Template for risk identification
Here is an explanation of each column:
Cell reference – reference to the cell in the model where the assumption is stored
Assumption name – self explanatory
Default value – default static value currently used in the model
Risks – risks identified by the deal team (decision makers), risk team, due diligence or other sources mapped against each assumption
Initial range – a range of values and a distribution shape to replace the static default assumption value based on the risk identification
Proposed mitigations – mitigation actions proposed by the decision makers or legal terms agreed that will help to mitigate the risks and hence reduce the uncertainty
Updated range – updated range and distribution shape based on the mitigations and the validation with the decision makers. It may or may not be updated.
As you probably guessed the ranges then go into a simulation. We usually run 2 simulations, before and after mitigations to test whether the decision makers plan is going to work and does in fact reduce the uncertainty significantly.
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