Dutch artist & filmmaker Frans Hofmeester has filmed his daughter's portrait every week from the day she was born for 20 years now. Every week the images are shot in the same style. With this footage he creates time-lapses which show the aging of his children within minutes.
He wanted to capture the changes because they were happening so fast so he started filming here every week. He made an incredible "coming of age" time-lapse. You are witness to one of the most mysterious, profound processes of human life - aging, the process of becoming older and growing up - accelerated into 5 minutes.
The music is made by Grammy Award winning Hollywood & Netflix filmcomposer Mateo Messina. I feel honored and we are very happy & pleased what he wrote exclusively for this film. He gave me explicit written permission to use this song. (The song is exclusively made for this film @2019)
To better understand the psychological phenomena of memory and time, Hofmeester sought for a concept that could be supported through the mediums of film and photography. The time-lapses confront us with our mortality. In a montage of 5 minutes, the viewer can observe one of the most mysterious and profound processes in human life - to grow up and age. Hofmeester attempts to create and preserve a sense of reality. Thus, the portraits are created without the use of extra make-up or filters - bare, honest, unpolished and uncensored.
So many emotions in just 5 minutes dictates the whole story of a teenager.
Hofmeester filmt en fotografeert sinds hun geboorte de portretten van zijn kinderen Lotte & Vince. Elke week en altijd op dezelfde wijze met dezelfde achtergrond. Niet eerder maakte iemand soortgelijk filmwerk. Op basis van dit beeldmateriaal monteert hij sinds 2012 time-lapses die in enkele minuten het ouder worden van zijn kinderen laten zien.
Niets is zo fascinerend als het proces van opgroeien en ouder worden van de mens. Tegelijkertijd is het mysterieus en ongrijpbaar. Dát heeft Hofmeester letterlijk zichtbaar gemaakt.
De video zijn ook in veel landen op tv te zien geweest. Hofmeester heeft 28 oktober 2019 op Lotte’s verjaardag, het volgende hoofdstuk gepubliceerd: Lotte van baby tot 20 jaar.
El cineasta Holandés Frans Hofmeeste, se dio a la tarea de filmar a su hija Lotte durante su
crecimiento en el transcurso de 20 años. El resultado fue este. Pai filma transformação da filha dos 0 aos 20 anos. Dos 0 aos 20 anos em 5 minutos. El nacimiento hasta los 20 años en 5 min. Lapso de tiempo Lotte.
Frans Hofmeester filmou o crescimento da sua filha Lotte e mostrou em vídeo a evolução da jovem.
Отец снимал дочь каждую неделю в течении 20 ЛЕТ.
《洛蒂的肖像》是由荷蘭的弗蘭斯‧霍夫米斯特,每周以影片拍攝他的愛女從出生到16歲的成長紀錄,片長5分 00 秒。
ロッテのポートレート(0歳から20 歳まで 5分00秒)
Lotte cumple 20 años. Su padre la ha grabado en vídeo cada semana desde que nació.
Pai registra todos os meses da filha,do nascimento aos 20 anos de idade
Lotte ga 16(jyu-ni)sai ni naru made no seityo-kiroku.
Van geboorte tot 20 jaar in 5 minuten. Time Lapse Lotte. (The Original)
兩分四十五秒,看完從出生到16歲 時光流逝
De la naissance à 20 ans en 5 min. Time-lapse Lotte. (The Original)
Dalla nascita ai 20 anni in 5 min. Time-lapse Lotte. (The Original)
Geboorte tot 20 jaar in 5 min. Tidj verval Lotte. (Die oorspronkelijke)
Portret a lui Lotte de la 0 la 20 ani în 5 minute.
Artist olandez Frans Hofmeester a filmat portretul fiicei sale acum adolescenta pentru 15 secunde în fiecare săptămână de la ziua în care a fost născut. Pe 28 octombrie 2019 Lotte avansat 20 ani. Asta vine final de interval de timp vârstă prezinta transformarea Lotte de la copil la adolescent. Sunteți martor la unul dintre cele mai misterioase procese, profunde ale vieții umane - crescut - accelerat, în 5 minute. Deci, de multe emoții în doar 5 minute dictează intreaga poveste a unui adolescent.
"To use this video in a commercial player, advertising or in broadcasts, etc. Please email Frans Hofmeester: info@franshofmeester.nl
#aging #portrait #timelapse