Stand Your Ground (SYG) laws – which remove the duty to retreat to safety before using deadly force – have significant impact on firearm-related justified homicide rates, according to an 18-year review and comparison of federal data covering all 50 states. Dr. Marc S. Levy discusses finding that the justified homicide rate rose from .08 to .19 in SYG states in the years 2000 through 2017, vs. .037 to .044 in states without SYG laws. SYG states had higher overall homicide rates as well – 4.54 vs. 3.25. There was no correlation of justified and overall homicide rates in either SYG (p=0.26) or no-SYG states, supporting the conclusion of significant impact of SYG laws on justifiable homicide rates.
acs,clinical congress,acs clinical congress,justified homicide rates,stand your ground law,