

Self-confidence 1) How did it feel last time you were criticized?
2)How did it feel last time you were rejected?
3)what your first instinct when a situation doesn't go as planned?
4)How did it feel that last time your boss told you that your performances was below acceptable standards?
Whether you feel bad or not!!
Probably you felt bad do you know................. Why did you feel so?
Because your self-confidence is depends on external factors rather than internal one.
But self-confidence comes from within.

What is self-confidence?
Self-confidence is person's belief of trust in their own ability.
Self-confidence is the belief that you can handle a certain situation correctly.
Self-confidence can be described as an ability to certain about one competencies and skills. It includes s sense of self-esteem and self-assurance.
Self-confidence is not something that can be learned like set of rules. Self-confidence is a state of mind.
Self-confidence means having faith in yourself.
Self-confidence is all about knowing that you are good, worthy and capable of facing life problems.
Self-confidence requires a positive self image. Self image is a kind of mental pictures we all have about ourselves.

Where does self-confidence come from?
The bottom line is that self-confidence comes the inside out and outside in. Self-confidence is a habbit, not an attitude.

Reason of low self-confidence :
1) Trying to somebody that you are not.
2) Criticizm affects you.
3) You don't have the skill.
4)Affected by painful past experiences.
5) Don't have the supportive people around.
6)Governing your behaviour based on what other people think.
Staying your comfort zone, fearing failure and so avoid taking risk.

Importance of self-confidence :

1)The more confident you are less dissapointed you will feel upon rejected.
2)The more confident you are less likely you will feel insecure about your job or relationship.
3)The more confident you become the risk you will be willing to take and so the more opportunities you will encounter.

How to build self-confidence?

1) Know your strength and weakness.
2) We all makes mistakes -don't think of your mistakes as negative but rather as learning opportunities.
3)Accepts compliments and compliments yourself.
4)Use Criticizm as a learning experiences.
5) Stop blaming luck. Research each setback find out what went wrong.
6)Think your work is important.
7)Affirm yourself ----I am improving each day.
8)Visualize yourself as you want to be.
Everything we hear is an opinion, Not sure fact.
Everything we see is perspective, Not the truth.

You can't have compare yourself to anyone. There is no any competition. Because Sun and Moon also shines but at own time, in their own way.

Thank you very much

LN Pandey.

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What is Self-confidence? How to build self-confidence?,Boost your confidence,Power of belief,Self assurance,Self-confidence is a state of mind,Faith in yourself,Soft skills self-confidence,Self-confidence is state habbit,Where does self confidence comes from,

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