When I first started this case, I thought it was very mild and I could correct it by removing one lower central. The teeth on either side interdigitated quiet good in that position, so we removed one more central out. As the case went on further, the class 3 problem grew and having only the space where the central came from was insufficient. The child had good wisdom teeth and so we decided to go back and take out the lower 6 year molars. So that is what we did. If I have waited a little longer, I would have seen that the patient was going to get worst when we first looked at him.
so dont be too quick in assuming that a person, especially a male is going to stay the same. They frequently will grow a lower jaw much more than a young lady and certainly for a longer period of time. If I had really studied this case thoroughly, I would have come to that conclusion, to leave the lower anterior teeth alone and go only for the 6 year molar correction.
It worked out fine but ended up with a slight sapce in the lower anterior.