
Why The Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10+ Don't Have A Headphone Jack (Galaxy S11 Next?) Will You Buy?

Why The Galaxy Note 10 and Note 10+ Don't Have A Headphone Jack (Galaxy S11 Next?) Will You Buy? Why The Galaxy Note10 and Note10+ Don't Have A Headphone Jack (Galaxy S11 Next?) Will You Buy?
First off, getting rid of the jack meant the batteries in the phones got bigger by 100 mAh, because of the reclaimed space inside. So the Note10 would've only shipped with a 3,400 mAh cell had the jack been in, while the Note10+ would've had to make do with 4,200.

Next up, the removal of the jack made it possible to improve the haptic vibration system in the Note10 and Note10+, by essentially filling the hole that would've been necessary to fit the headphone port.

Obviously you'll need to decide for yourself whether these explanations are enough to persuade you to buy one of these handsets in spite of the jack's removal. One thing's clear, though. The Galaxy S11 family won't surprise anyone if it shows up sans jack too, following the lead of this year's Notes. Also, maybe it's time to wave goodbye and say RIP to the headphone jack once and for all, now that even the last big holdout in the mobile world has caved and took it away.

Why The,Headphone Jack (Galaxy S11 Next?) Will You Buy?,Galaxy Note 10,and Note 10+,Don't Have A,

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