
Viewer Loadout: Solo Nightfall w| Scout Rifle, Shotgun & Linear Fusion Rifle [Destiny 2]

Viewer Loadout: Solo Nightfall w| Scout Rifle, Shotgun & Linear Fusion Rifle [Destiny 2] Destiny 2 Solstice of Heroes - Viewer Voted Loadout Solo Nightfall With Scout Rifle, Shotgun, Linear Fusion Rifle, Match Game, Extinguish and Momentum - Tree of Probabilities Nightfall Strike. Just a quick video showing a solo clear of the nightfall with weapons and modifiers that were voted by you guys! Details below.

Voting was done here, the final result at the time of making this being Tree of Probabilities using a Kinetic Scout Rifle, Energy Shotgun, Power Linear Fusion Rifle, and the top modifiers Match Game, Extinguish and Momentum:

Nice change from the usual Double Sidearm and Sword, and the loadout here worked pretty nicely for the strike as well. Ran with all 3 top negative modifiers this time round as it's a pretty quick run regardless, pulled out the old Nameless Midnight which I haven't used in forever too.

My PC setup is nothing too crazy at all, but the specs are:
i7-8700, GTX 1070, 16GB DDR4-3000 Ram, 256GB SSD, 2TB HDD.

Allows me to run max settings at constant 60FPS while recording. Which is about all I need for now :)

Keybindings can be seen here:


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