This whole operation is supported by our patrons, so if you want to join The Cool Kids Club, head on over to . When we hit 5,000 patrons, we're gonna let all of them/y'all choose what color Elliott will permanently dye his hair. The phrase "you'd have to pay me" has never been more literal. Head on over!
GET A NICKNAME SHIRT and rep which one you identify with (or get all 5 with a discount):
Send your COMPLIMENTS here...
Valleyfolk P.O. Box
15445 Ventura Blvd.
Suite 976
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Music/SFX: If you like our sounds, sign up for ONE FREE MONTH on us at Epidemic Sound! Over 30,000 songs:
Follow The Valleyfolk across the digital globe:
Follow the quartet on their personal socials:
Joe Bereta:
Elliott Morgan:
Lee Newton:
Steve Zaragoza:
Couch Shoot/Edit: Kevin Plachy
Sketch Shooter/Edit: Kevin Plachy
Logo: Ellie Zayas -
Thanks! Love you. Truly.