
RENTAL PROPERTY // How Much PROFIT? // ep. 7

RENTAL PROPERTY // How Much PROFIT? // ep. 7 Investing in real estate, particularly rental property, can be intimidating but there is an example of how profitable it can be on the bottom of the barrel, I mean scraping the bottom house! Of course, it needed a full renovation......but what do you expect for $12k in a great rental enviroment.....with a little work, it's now a money-making machine.

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Ep. 7 In this episode covering profit from rentals, I go over the hard costs and profit I make from one of my rentals. I chose the now famous, $12,000 House from my Homemade Home Youtube channel. Here's a link to see that house- As you will see, it was a lot of work, but most people get up and work hard every day....this is an example of working hard and having your investment of time and money keep paying you profit long after the work is done, it's called passive income. Not only is it easier, it's a way to multiply your productivity. Each house you get rented is like another employee that works hard for you around the clock. With a job you make $X an hour, you've got to work and it takes hours....with rental property, it is working every hour as well..then you ad another, more $ per hour, then another, and another. It may seem slow to progress in the early days but once you are making more money passively with your rental properties than you could at a full-time will realize that you have done the impossible, bought yourself time. Working is a reality but it does not always have to be in the form of working for someone else as an employee, working hard to make them rich and realizing their dreams. Set aside some time and money and work for yourself, then step aside and put your investment to work for you. I hope this example shows you how possible this can be for you.

Check out my other channels-
Homemade Home (renovations)-
The Homestead Craftsman (making things)-

investing,finance,financial,money,rental property,flipping houses,retirement planning,mortgage,debt,debt free,goals,saving money,motivation,

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