Time for some distressing and weathering! Kayte and Norm take two scale models designed for tabletop wargaming and add paint, dust, grime, and foliage to age them a few hundred years. What does a house look like in the post-apocalpyse after nature has taken over? This is our idea of fun!
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Shot and edited by Gunther Kirsch
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Tested is:
Adam Savage
Norman Chan
Simone Giertz
Joey Fameli
Gunther Kirsch
Ryan Kiser
Kishore Hari
Sean Charlesworth
Jeremy Williams
Kayte Sabicer
Bill Doran
Ariel Waldman
Darrell Maloney
Kristen Lomasney
Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman
Set design by Danica Johnson
Set build by Asa Hillis
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