MikeWerner's SSD Spreadsheet:
Special Thanks: moth_e , CapsulezQQ, jbrooks84, robbs93, LEEIF, sanekya, MissKenzie, 唔係路 Road & Ascension Guild
Endurance Tutorial Series:
1) Home Base Amp Part 1:
2) Home Base Amp Part 2:
3) Schematics: Weapons & Traps + Home Amp Update 3:
Endurance Gameplay:
Twine Endurance Solo Clear:
Twine Endurance 4-Player Clear:
Also check out these other amazing content creators on Twitch/Youtube:
David Dean:
Demonjoefrance: /
RoundedTikTak: /
SlyGumbi: /
*** UNOFFICIAL Guild Applications NOW OPEN! ***
I have always been a strong proponent of being the change we'd like to see, and as such have recently started up the first unofficial Fortnite Save the World guild, "Ascension", with the purpose of putting together like-minded, motivated individuals interested in playing the game at a higher level or simply a place to look for high level players to group up (public members) in preparation for current (Endurance) and possible future end-game content.
For our community discord and guild application process/information, stop by my twitch channel
and use the commands:
!discord : for our community discord link
!guild: for more info about the guild
!app: for instructions on how to join the guild