
Debunking the most haunted house in england

Debunking the most haunted house in england What do you guys think of it??
The cage known as 1 of most haunted houses in england. But isit??
Does it realy have the history they say? Or is it all hyped up? Well we are goin to TRY and find out and we meet some lovely locals that let us look round there beautiful old pug and gave us alot of insight into the history of the cage some turned out to be true some just story's exaggerated over the years but as always make your own minds up I'm not calling anyone a liar if people believe something so strongly then I believe in there thoughts but maybe that's all they are. This house has been coverd many times by many channels and many many people over the years from across the world but I dont see any proof of this place being sinister it felt calm and peaceful


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