
EWTN Pro-Life Weekly 2019-04-18 l FULL EPISODE

EWTN Pro-Life Weekly 2019-04-18 l FULL EPISODE Congress takes up a number of pro-life issues before the Easter recess—Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri joins us to discuss these efforts and a recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing and we turn to Sue Swayze Liebel of the Susan B. Anthony List for pro-life analysis. We speak to Catholic News Agency’s Editor-in-Chief JD Flynn and DC Bureau Chief Ed Condon, both canon lawyers, about how the Church should respond to Catholic politicians who sign or vote for anti-life legislation. An Illinois abortion clinic paid for a billboard on a major interstate that celebrates abortion—Catherine Hadro “Speaks Out.” And we bring you the pro-life conversion story of former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino. EWTN Pro-Life Weekly with Catherine Hadro airs on EWTN every Thursday night at 10 pm ET. It re-airs on Sundays at 10 am and Tuesdays at 1 pm.


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