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If all your targets and achievements are externally motivated, you are missing an important leadership quality. When you depend on an external support system to define and achieve targets, no matter how good you are at it, you are still limited.
Recognize your patterns, Mahatria says, to transition from being an excellent follower to a transformational leader.
Exams. Deadlines. Competitions. Do external targets such as these drives you to be your best?
Then your motivation to perform hinges completely on the external environment around you, Mahatria points out. This means that someone needs to constantly set targets for you and create a competitive scenario for you to be able to push yourself to achieve something.
Many people can do wonders when their boss threatens to fire them if they are unable to meet a deadline. Sales people are often able to meet or excel targets because of the competitive nature of the job.
Follower or Leader?
People who are driven by external factors make excellent followers, but can seldom be leaders, Mahatria points out.
When you depend on an external support system to define and achieve targets, no matter how good you are at it, you are still limited. There is a restraint on how much you can do because someone else sets your goals.
Leaders set their own targets and define their own timelines. Leaders are motivated from within. Leaders set benchmarks for the world to follow. They do not wait for another person or for life to tell them what and when they can achieve things.
Narrating a story about Zig Ziglar’s father, Mahatria talks about an instance when the man visited a golf course for the first time in his life. When Zig Ziglar’s father ran from one hole to the other while playing, other people there advised him to walk. As most people already know, golf is a game of walking, not running.
However, Zig Ziglar’s father replied saying that he would rather run than walk because he could. He emphasized how, a sport that urged him to run when he only wanted to walk was a good sport, while one that insisted he should only walk when he was capable of running, was limiting. Why to drag a game for four hours when it can be finished in two, he asked.
That is the sign of a leader, Mahatria points out. If they can finish a job in three minutes, they do not dally on for ten minutes.
Recognize the Pattern
Being a champion only when there is external pressure may help you achieve results, but it may not lead you to radical outcomes. When you recognize the pattern of relying on external motivation, you need to begin the transformation to find that drive from within and become a self-motivated leader, Mahatria says.
Set your own goals. Define your own timelines. Become a self-motivated leader.
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