
Why isn't God more clear in Scripture? How do we recognize FALSE teachers?

Why isn't God more clear in Scripture? How do we recognize FALSE teachers? Why does God allow for so much confusion in the Bible? Why is it so many teachers can see different things? Why do some believe in salvation by grace and eternal security and others think its conditional and based on OUR performance in this life? Why doesn't God make things SIMPLE AND EASY TO UNDERSTAND? How can we know if a teacher is OF GOD or not? Let's see what the Bible says about this. Also SOME VIEWERS HAVE ASKED HOW THEY MAY BLESS OR SUPPORT THIS MINISTRY, IF YOU WISH TO DO SO, Our PayPal is Thank you and God bless you all

false teachers,faith alone,Bible,wolves in sheep's clothing,easy believism,cheap grace,free grace,real gospel,false prophets,heretic,heresy,John MacArthur,Levi Price,Paul Washer,Robert Lyte,finalcall07,lordship salvation,OSAS,FALSE GOSPEL,HEBREW ROOTS,TORAH OBSERVERS,TORAH OBSERVANCE,KEEP THE LAW,JUDAIZERS,HEBRAIC ROOTS,HERESY,SABBATH,7TH DAY ADVENTIST,CULT,

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