
What are the various exemptions from CG and How are Capital Gains of Non-residents taxed in India?

What are the various exemptions from CG and How are Capital Gains of Non-residents taxed in India? Objectives & Agenda :

To analyse and interpret the provisions of the Income-tax Act relating to computation and chargeability of Capital Gains. In this Webinar we shall look at various exemptions available under Capital Gains by way of exempting capital gains in specific cases or for specific persons and exemptions based on specified investments. We will also look at provisions of capital gains in case of non-residents. Finally, the Webinar will touch upon relevant Judicial Precedents.

Sections Covered: 54, 54B, 54D, 54F, 54G,54GB, 54H, 10, 48, 47.

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Capital Gains Exemptions,Capital Gains Deposit Scheme,NRI Capital Gains,Capital Gains on House Property,Section 54 Exemptions,

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