
Walking Meditation dr. Joe Dispenza Stepping Into your Future

Walking Meditation dr. Joe Dispenza Stepping  Into your Future People come to this work for all types of reasons. A lot of people come and they want to get their body healthy, but what they're really doing is getting their mind healthy and they're changing their energy. ⁣⁣

There's this point that everyone reaches in this work where they're so happy with themselves. They're so in love with life. They're in such a state of grace and gratitude that they could care less if they have the disease because they're so happy with them. That's the moment disease goes away because they're no longer the same personality. They’re are somebody else. The disease actually exists in the other person, in their old personality.⁣⁣


They're thinking differently. They're acting differently. They're feeling differently. And how you think, how you act and how you feel is called your personality and your personality creates your personal reality. Change your personality. It changes your personal reality.


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