1/12 vlogmas!
This one is for december 1st and 2nd - i am first with my family then i go to the city and shop a bit, cook for the first time (!!!!), workout with my best friend and two other guys and go to sleep. The next day i go to school, you get to see my classmates, and that's about it!!
Please leave feedback for the next vlogs, as idk how i feel about this one!
Boy friends buy my clothes video:
Halloween video:
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Instagram: @amaliestar
Twitter: @amalie_star
Snapchat: amaliexxxamalie
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Frequently Asked Questions:
What camera do you use to film?
Canon 700D / Canon Rebel t5i or the Canon Powershot mark ii
What editing program do you use to edit?
Final Cut Pro
How old are you?
I'm 16, turning 17 on December 18th
Sub count: 216,133 subscribers
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