
How to Build a Profitable Network Marketing Team Without Losing People

How to Build a Profitable Network Marketing Team Without Losing People I'm sharing 3 tips for you to build a successful network marketing team that is motivated, connected and wanting more. These strategies will help you and your team achieve more.

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I've now been in #NetworkMarketing for more than 18 years. Together with my wife, Nadya Melton, we've built a multi-million dollar team leveraging social media.

A successful team in Network Marketing starts with you.
You can take it further or hold it back.


Honestly, I'm not excited when someone joins.
Ok, maybe a little bit.

But I'm super excited when I help them get their first win and they're in it for the long run.

There ain't nothing fun about someone joining and quitting by the end of the month because they couldn't achieve anything.

Help your team!


It doesn''t matter if someone is 50 levels down from you in your organization. If they have the motivation, the desire for success, work with them.

Some of the best people in your organization won't be your personal recruits.

If you want your team prospecting, you get to prospecting.
You want your team to go ATM? You go ATM.
Want your team to do videos? You do videos.

You can take them further or hold them back.
Remember, a successful team starts with you.

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