
Geometry Dash 2.11 | Daily Level #1065 - Relax by GDClique [3 Coins]

Geometry Dash 2.11 | Daily Level #1065 - Relax by GDClique [3 Coins] Join my Discord server:

1st Coin - 0:21 (28%)
2nd Coin - 0:43 (59%)
3rd Coin - 0:48 (67%)

Level Song:

"Relax by GDClique (Hard 5*)"

So, I'm still fucking here. Haven't quit yet, for some reason. I'm just going to vent a bit if you don't mind.

You know, when I first started doing this I thought that I'd do this gig until the end of Geometry Dash. Because let's be honest, the way this game is fucking handled, it's lifespan is at most another couple of years. We're currently finishing up Year 3, and are a month away from entering the fourth. I guess something I forgot to take into account is how fucking tiring this thing was going to be. To be completely honest, my motivation has sunk to an all-time low. There's the game itself, with countless bugs, extremely flawed and broken systems, and no updates for years. And there's the developer feeding into that, who is possibly one of the most disconnected developer from any game community I've ever seen, with nothing but a bunch of obscure edgy posts here and there, rather than proper information on the status of things. And of course, late dailies every fucking day doesn't exactly help me believe Robtop's "hard work", and you'd think if one were working so hard they'd be proud to put it out there and tell everyone about it.

Believe it or not, I actually have other aspirations besides writing text-wall reviews of levels and trying to piss off sensitive people by purposely overusing the word "fuck" to spice up the word sandwiches I've been making. It's been three fucking years after all, and definitely a lot has changed, not only with the world but myself. Next year, I'll be entering my second decade of life, and the time I have to do shit like this will likely lessen as time goes on. As for what aspirations I have, well there's obviously writing. You've seen some of my music posted. But the big one would probably be the cliche old game development. The thing is, that costs money; according to my calculations the VN I'm working on will cost around $3000 for unique assets. That isn't going to come out of nowhere, it's going to take time, which ultimately this channel takes a bunch of it. An hour or two, or even more everyday, that really adds up, and while the personal interaction is nice, in monetary terms, there isn't much benefit. I can't monetize videos because I technically don't "add" anything to the gameplay, despite many other channels being able to. And it would be fucking absurd to ask you people to pay me to play a video game, and starting doing that Patreon Join Button bullshit. So with that plus all of the game-related stuff, you can probably see why I am extremely unmotivated right now, as there's bigger projects I want to work on, but simply can't.

Last year around this time, I did take a whole month's break from typing, but that was because I was fed up with the repetitive and ridiculous comments from the creator community, and so I replaced the description with a mockingly positive and pastable "review". While nothing like that has happened this year, maybe I just might have to do that. But I don't know yet. I've had times where I've questioned whether I could continue, but here I am still.

Anyways, that's just me fucking venting. We will shortly move into actual level reviewing.

So. That level name is less by GDClique and more of a GDCliche. But we're not here to fucking judge names, we're here about gameplay, decoration, and all of that good stuff. Unless you name your level "Anoreksia". I'm still not fucking over that.

As per usual lately, I don't really have much to say. 0:30 was one of the more unique looking sections, with an actually good blend of white (grayscale) and color. I believe more stuff like this can actually make a level look pretty fucking interesting, and it's overall just a nice color theme. Of course, it could do without the overlays/background, whatever it brightening up the entire area as a whole, as that simply just fucking reduces the magnitude of brightness for everything else in comparison. Flashes, pulses, and making stuff stick out is about the different. Red against slightly different red will see little difference and contrast. Red against almost black will definitely fucking pop. It's all about picking what needs to pop and what needs to blend, and only doing what's necessary. The grouping of spikes that flash with the music are also pretty fucking satisfying. This is how sync can be done without entire screen flashes, or god forbid invisible size portals.

Black fade transitions can be given mostly a pass on this one, except for the places where it was fucking dragged out. Also, there should be full connection after the fade. What I mean by that, is not having these fucking gaps or invisible pads, it really messes with flow. Hell, even just a copy pasted structure is fine.

#geometrydash #dailylevel #relax

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