
DevOpsDays Warsaw 2019 - Sebastian Grodzicki - Building Distributed Systems in Distributed Teams

DevOpsDays Warsaw 2019 - Sebastian Grodzicki - Building Distributed Systems in Distributed Teams Building distributed systems is notoriously hard... building a distributed team, even more so. At Elastic — the company behind Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash — everything is distributed; the company and our products. This talk dives into the details of how Elastic is thriving on its distributed model:

How Elastic started to be distributed by design.
What our shared values are and what we have learned as we progressed and grew to our current size.


proidea conferences,proidea,DevOpsDays,DevOpsDays Warsaw,Sebastian Grodzicki,Distributed Systems,Distributed Teams,Elasticsearch,Kibana,Beats,Elastic,

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