
Black holes are less dense than water? What?

Black holes are less dense than water? What? “Supermassive black holes’ density is lower than density of water”. Sometimes people are confused with statements like this one. How can that be if black holes are thought to be the densest objects is the Universe? We are going to figure it out in this video.


Forbes article I mention

Cygnus X-1 mass

Density of water

Sagittarius a* mass

M87 black hole mass

Density of air

The most massive black hole

Sun facts

Event horizon

Black holes’ structure

Kerr black holes

Black holes,black hole,supermassive black hole,space,cosmos,universe,science,sci pop,scipop,density of black holes,black holes density,black hole myths,black hole misconceptions,event horizon,m87,milky way,sagittarius a*,sagittarius a,image of a black hole,sun,star,

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