Flat Belly Fix:
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best ways to lose belly fat | The Flat Belly Fix | Healthy Weight Loss
1 Avoid sugary drinks
Refined sugar can only be metabolised by the liver and any excess energy it produces turns straight into fat around the middle. Ditch the fizzy stuff and go for water instead.
2 Opt for foods rich in fibre
Our expert Lisa suggests bypassing processed and refined foods in exchange for fibre-rich meals to keep your digestive system functioning well.
3 Track your intake
For those of us who’ve fallen into bad habits with our diet, keeping a food diary can be a simple but effective way of revealing just how many calories we consume daily.
4 Eat more protein
Want to feel fuller for longer? It’s recommended that eating protein which slows down the rate at which your stomach processes food and slows the passage of carbohydrates with it.
5 Get enough sleep
If you’re not getting enough sleep your levels of the stress hormone cortisol will rise, which has been associated with weight-gain. Studies have also suggested that those who receive 8 hours of sleep a night will burn calories quicker than those who only sleep for 5 hours.
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Flat Belly Fix:
Leptitox food weight loss:
28 day keto challenge:
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