The principles for answer writing are simple and straight:
1. Read the question well and understand the demand
2. Structure the answer. Have a quick short intro., embed diagrams, schematics and maps
3. Body of the answer should have the right terms, use examples and case studies. For geography, use regional perspective where possible, analyse the issues and factors etc.
4. Conclude your answer with a summary, solution, something applied (preferably in Indian context) or something futuristic, if required.
Keep to the word limit and scope the answer appropriately.
I will demonstrate these with some videos on model answers written.
The common mistake students make is assuming all this happens as though magically!! I can see students getting upset or disheartened because if one actually sits down to do all of this, it takes time and can be a pretty frustrating exercise. Most are so trapped in prelims mode and course completion and updation, they are hardly left with appropriate time and energy to invest in answers writing practice.
Hope some of these videos, I am opening up for all of you, helps you to appreciate and learn the process.
The videos are from my Geography Enrichment-cum-Test series program. But I believe, these few videos I am releasing for open viewing will help all of you irrespective of whether you have enrolled for the course or not.
Please join me on my telegram channels to practice GS for prelims and Mains. "BuildUp2CSE2020".
We regularly post practice questions and info., charts and summaries that can help you in GS prep.
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