
5 ways to say 'I Quit' - Advanced English Lesson

5 ways to say 'I Quit' - Advanced English Lesson 5 ways to say "I Quit" - Advanced English Lesson
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To Give up -

To stop doing something that you do regularly
Example : His wife finally persuaded him to give up smoking.

To ditch -

(verb) to break plans with someone without telling them.
Example : Tammy is mad at her boyfriend because he was always ditching her to meet his friends.

Come to a standstill-

To slow down and finally stop
Example : As the strike began, the production line came to a standstill.

To Discontinue -

to put an end to; stop; terminate doing something.
Example : Mary discontinued her visits to the museum

To cease -

To put an end to something
Example : We worked without cease to get the project finished on time.

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