Plenty of times women will tell you they have a boyfriend when they don't. But what do you do when she has a boyfriend but you want her, anyway?
The Big Picture
Sometimes women lie about having a boyfriend to fend off unwanted attention.
She might have had a bad experience with a PUA who hadn't honed his craft yet and came off as aggressive instead of confident.
You can often get past her barrier by making her feel safe and asking the right questions.
But if she really is in a relationship, that doesn't mean she's totally off the market, so to speak.
She might not be happy in her relationship or her boyfriend might not be happy.
You'll only have a chance to find out if you're able to have a conversation with her. Again, you'll need to make her feel safe talking with you.
There are pros and cons of pursing her if she has a boyfriend and you'll have to decide based on your value system and the situation if it's worth your effort.
There are also risks of pursing a girl with a boyfriend that you should take into account.
In the video, I go over these points and provide a number of specific questions so you know exactly what to say to a girl who says she has a boyfriend so you can lead the conversation with confidence.
As far as if you should pursue a married woman, my opinion is no. The risks vs rewards are too great, don't do it.
Have you ever "stolen" someone else's gal? Did someone ever "steal" your girl away from you?
I'd love to know your story! If you feel like sharing please write it in the comments. I do my best to read and respond to all the comments I can!
If you want to make sure you attract and keep the woman of your dreams, check out my self-study WakeUP2Luv - Get a GF program (note: it is not a PUA program):
You got this!
xo AJ
Disclaimer: Anna is not a licensed therapist or psychologist. All videos are based on her own study, experience and observation. You are responsible for your own actions. Obey the laws wherever you are.