This video shows how I use a homemade resin mould using different techniques. This was a fun mould to use as I know that it is unique to me. It was an easy mould which was very robust. I think using a homemade resin mould is great fun. The techniques that I use here are showing how you can use different methods of colouring to achieve different effects in one mould. I have used mica, mica flakes, gold powder and acrylic paints to colour the resin. I have also used the technique where you brush the mould with different coloured resin prior to pouring a clear resin into the mould. I hope you enjoy this video, please leave a comment and let me know. Thank you for watching, please leave a comment or any questions, I will reply to everyone, and hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on any future videos. Best wishes, have fun creating and love your art. Steve 😍 My Instagram @stevemcdonaldarts My Twitter: @mcdonaldarts My Facebook: Steve McDonaldarts
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