I enjoy plush making and I might make a tutorial. Recorded losts of footage of me making Neddbear. It's hard to make tutorials when I go off of what's in my head.
Some of you think I should become a plushtuber...Maybe after all this Coppa stuff gets settled...I've actually wanted to make a movie for awhile. But I've felt I just haven't had enough characters plus I've doubted my filming skills tbh. X'D
If I end up making something don't expect it to be ANY good. If some of you are old school viewers you might now I actually DID make a plush video at one point. It's now private but jeez it was bad. XD
I need to make some Night guard plushies before I make any plush videos. I plan to make Mike, PB and Micheal. So there's a start. XP
Making plush videos is so much harder to think about for me. "What would I use for -blank-? How would I set up shots?" ex. Very difficult. XD
But yeah, maybe someday I'll use my plushies for vids.