An easy cap knitting for 1 year old kids. This head warmer / cap knitting style is spiral type. Even early learners / beginners can knit it to increase their knitting skills.
आसान टोपी की बुनाई ।
आसान है, मुश्किल बिलकुल नहीं। घुमावदार बुनाई के डिज़ाइन की टोपी नोसिखियों को देखने में शायद मुश्किल लगेगी, पर है नहीं, बुनना शुरू कीजिये विडियो के साथ साथ, आसान लगेगी ।
शुरुआती बुनकर भी बना सकते हैं।
This Easy Hindi Knitting Video tutorial by Ritu Nagpal shows step by step instructions on how to make it.
Bringing you Hindi Video tutorials on Knitting ultimate stuff, elegant & exclusive knits, has always been the motto of the creator. New stuff in knitting videos has always been welcomed & appreciated all over by the knitters, be it in India or whole World.
आपको बुनने का शौक है पर शुरुआत कैसे करें !!! आप देखेंगी कैसे आसानी से आप सीढ़ी दर सीढ़ी मेरे जैसा मुकाम हासिल कर सकती हैं। बस शुरू हो जाइए।
This is for beginners and Learners in knitting too. Your love towards knitting turns into a passion and you achieve unbelievable expertise. You just need to start. So why delay? Pick up your knitting needles and the wool. The creativity inside you will do the rest !!! Ritu Nagpal !!!
Knitting hindi videos from Ritu Creations makes the task lot more easier and gives designer look and exact shape to your hand knitting product or whatever you make. Wonderful knitting patterns selected in the projects will produce a perfect product that you will love. In addition, the helpful knitting tips provided into the video tutorials will surely make average knitters greatly enhance their knitting abilities and may make them professional knitters.
Why Ritu Creations!!!
The knitting guidance video here, created by your beloved knitting tutor Ritu Nagpal, will surely be extremely helpful in your creativity projects in knitting. The elegant, stylish and smart knitting approach adopted by the producer has widely been appreciated by Indian fans as well as worldwide viewers which makes this channel among the most top knitting channels in India. What makes ritucreations the best knitting channel in Hindi is its unique knitting designs, unique patterns, unique projects, which makes "Ritu Creations" a Hindi knitting channel with a difference. Experience it by visiting and watching the knitting videos at the channel. You will love it to be there around. Besides, Ritu knitter 's knitting channel has many projects like sweater, cardigan, topi, cap, shoes, socks, booty, mufflar, hud, bags, purses, girls top, boys sweater, gents pullover, koti, half jacket, ponchu bunai, shawl, gloves border, ladies cardigans, girls frocks, shoes, booties, caps, turbans, hats, mufflars, table mats, blankets, purses etc. many many many more easy knitting complete projects in Hindi. Just be repeat visitor to the channel "Ritu Creations".
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A Must watch video for knitting beginners.
|| Knitting Hindi Video by Ritu Nagpal !!! || Knitting in Hindi || Video by Ritu Nagpal ||