
I Apologise For......

I Apologise For...... Apologizing is expressing regret for something that one has done wrong. An apology is a statement that has two key elements.

It shows your remorse over your actions.
It acknowledges the hurt that your actions have caused to someone else.
We all need to learn how to apologize, aft er all, no one is perfect, We all make mistakes , and we all have the capability to hurt people through our behaviors and actions, whether these are intentional or not. It is not easy to apologize, but its the most effective way to restore trust and balance in a relationship, when you have done something wrong.

There are many reasons why you should make a sincere apology when you have hurt someone unnecessarily, or have made a mistake.

An apology opens a dialogue between yourself and the other person.
When you apologize, you also acknowledge that you engaged in unacceptable behavior.
It helps you rebuild trust and reestablish your relationship with the other person
It gives you a chance to discuss what is and is not acceptable
You restore dignity to the person you hurt.
If you do not apologize when you have made a mistake:

You will damage your relationship with colleagues, clients, friends or family.
It can harm your reputation
Limit your career opportunities
Lower your effectiveness
Others may not want to work with you
Follow these steps when you make an apology:

Express remorse
Admit responsibility
Make amends
Promise that it will not happen again (and mean it!)
Do not offer excuses when you apologize. Otherwise you will sound as if you are trying to shift blame away from yourself and on to someone or something else.

So take the time today to apologize to someone you have hurt!

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