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Print Web Pages Without Ads or How to print any web page without printing the ads and print website to pdf
Most web pages have a "Print" option somewhere, but if you want to print a page that does not have a print function, it does not print properly or contains unwanted ads appearing on the page Let's go.
Printing a web page is like a gift box: you never know what you are going to get.
How to print web pages without annoying ads
You are surfing the Internet, and you get important information that you want to print or save it in PDF format on your PC. But with the information of this information, you will get more, which you probably will not like. This is because most web sites have advertisements, pictures, banners, graphics, and other materials that are packed with your print.
Now, with all these items, it is not only a hassle to read a printed or saved web page, but both the ink and paper are more than these waste.
If you only need to print articles with content, you will have to manually copy and paste the web page into a word processor, extract ads, and then print the page. But this manual method is not ideal when you need to print a large number of webpages.
So do you want to print the information found on the internet without these unwanted material?
Luckily, I've discovered two great free services for you that will allow you to quickly and easily print text (and optionally photos) that appear on any web page.
1) Print Friendly
The first name to print webpages without advertisements is Print Friendly.
Print Friendly This is a simple, easy, free and amazing web site, which will help you to tackle this problem of web page print.
Print Friendly is a free web service designed to help print webpages without advertisements.
In this web site, you can print almost any web page or any part of it, just text without advertisements, images and other junk.
Not only this, you can save these web pages in PDF format on your PC.
By printing web pages with Print Friendly, you can save your money by saving paper and ink and can also help the environment. The even greater advantage is that only the information you need will be printed.
Print or Save Web Pages without Ads with Print Friendly
Using Printfriendly is very simple.
First of all, go to the web site that you want to print or save. Now copy the address of that site. (Right-click the URL, then click Copy).
2) PrintWhatYouLike
Have you ever wanted to print a web page whose printout is full of advertisements, free space and other junk you don't want?
PrintWhatYouLike is a free online web page editor that lets you control how pages look when printed.
Like Print Friendly, you will have to copy and paste the address of that site in it. But unlike Print Friendly, it does not automatically remove advertisements.
You will have to manually delete this task by selecting it.
With the help of this tool you can save money and environment by reducing your paper and ink usage. Make printed web pages more redeemable by removing advertisements, widgets and other distractions, or fixing broken pages that don't print correctly.
To use PrintWhatYouLike.com, enter the URL of the page you want to print, edit the page until it contains only what you want to print, and print it.
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