What is Chinese Poison? It depends on how much sugar a person consumes on average on a daily basis, as the World Health Organization has declared twenty-five grams of sugar a day for health, but on average 62 grams of sugar per person a day makes this sweet poison a part of it. This is the view of the ancient rulers that sweet is death and bitter is life, because bitterness controls sugar.
However, do you know how our body stores this high amount of sugar? Otherwise, it would be impossible to get away from the dessert without it.
So in today's video we're going to tell you (7) the disadvantages of sugar that after leaving you will definitely avoid sugar and come back to natural sweetness.
1. Chinese fat lays on the body
The sugar-containing mono-acrylamide forces your liver to accumulate more fat and over time turns into a disease called fatty liver, which causes thousands of diseases in your body, which is why we recommend you It is recommended that you use sugar in dessert less and consume more of the natural sweetener.
2. Sugar makes the body prone to diabetes
According to a medical study, the risk of diabetes increases by 1.1% if a person consumes an extra 150 calories on a daily basis, so if you do not take precautions today, you will find out after you have diabetes. So we advise that those who work hard should eat sweet or else those who are sitting down will reduce the sweetness.
3. Destructive to the Chinese heart
If you refrain from sugar-only sugar, you are actually protecting your heart, as there is a link between heart disease and diabetes. Diseases are among the leading causes of death in cardiovascular and stroke diabetes type 2, so I urge you to eat palm in dessert and not giving up sugar will not harm you at all, so we advise you It is important to use honey garlic ginger to keep your heart healthy.
4. Stress from sugar to blood vessels
The use of sugar increases blood insulin, which has an effect on the body's blood circulation system and arteries, the higher the circulation of the cells in the arteries due to the greater amount of insulin, which causes the artery walls I increase stress and increase the risk of stroke or heart attack after suffering hypertension, so using the fruits of the season can save you from all these diseases, especially the common and unhealthy ones.
5. Sugar is the cause of cholesterol
There is a relationship between sugar and cholesterol, according to a study that shows that people who consume more sugar also have higher levels of cholesterol in addition to diabetes and obesity, which is harmful to the body while it is in the blood. Increases dangerous fats so eat empty stomach garlic and use ginger tea.
6. The risk of Type 3 diabetes You may have heard the word Top Three in Friends Sugar for the first time, but the fact is that it is a mental diabetes name
A term used in type 3 diabetes during a study, which links the relationship between insulin resistance, high fat diets and Alzheimer's, is actually the name of the digestive tract of Alzheimer's victims. It also damages the brain's ability to produce glucose and energy, ie it can also be called cerebral diabetes, which is the most dangerous, so people who eat more or are diabetic can eat only one and only two meals a day. You must take 6 to 8 hours intervals from one meal to another and drink only and only water in between God willing, it will surely force his mind.
7. Sugar makes you addicted to junk food, fast food
The use of sugar excludes chemicals that increase the mood of the brain, and like sugar, the use of sugar causes happiness, as sugar addicts fear until they find something sweet. And that is how others experience mental distress, so patients can get rid of junk food by eating five walnuts daily. After meeting with the sugar mill engineer when he heard about it, he said that when we put sugarcane juice in the tub it is black and when we put chemicals in it it becomes white like water. They are surprised that the chemical called blackness has gone away, so we say that the chemical itself goes into the stomach of human beings which causes people to get sick and therefore it is important for your health to give up sugar.
I solved these questions
1)disadvantages of sugar
2)Health Tips Hindi/Urdu
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