
Frank Jameson is irrational Not Rational Bad Character No Credibility Faulty Through and Through

Frank Jameson is irrational Not Rational Bad Character No Credibility Faulty Through and Through Frank Jameson is irrational Not Rational Bad Character No Credibility Faulty Through and Through.

To Frank Jameson "fans" and supporters.
To those who are: "Team Frank" / "Team Mental Defective".
You are a senseless and witless fool to support such a disturbed, deranged, and mentally ill man who is absolutely in the wrong, Frank Jameson.
You evidently lack sufficient judgement, so you can believe that yourself being "Team Frank" is somehow "dank" and/or "kek" and/or "ironic".
You honestly do know that Frank Jameson is a dumb and crazy, liar.
You really do know that Frank Jameson is total trash.
Your own personal failure, is that you support him, at all.
Even if you are only pretending to do so, for the fun of it.
As the sad, sorry, mentally ill man, being so wrong, and doing so much wrong, he does not deserve any support.
You do him no favors by giving him your very misguided so called support.
You actually mislead him and deceive him, by your foolish, misguided, undeserved so called support.
Any downfall or misfortune that befalls Frank Jameson, that he experiences, is not attributable to my having had cause for and reason to, having given him justified and valid criticisms, that he earned and deserved, which could have potentially served the right and useful purpose of being instructive, and corrective.
Any downfall or misfortune that befalls Frank Jameson, that he experiences, is first and foremost, primarily attributable to his own bad and wrong choices, and actions, and his own significant errors and faultiness, that he is to blame for himself, and that he is responsible for, himself.
And also to a lesser extent, it is also, additionally, partially attributable to the fact that Frank Jameson has any so called fans, or supporters, who are foolish, misguided, misbehaving youths, who provide him any of their very unsound and unwise, juvenile, misguided, undeserved, so called support, which has in fact, misled and deceived Frank Jameson to continue to be significantly in error and at fault.
The mental defective, Frank William Jameson, 41, of Farmington Hills, Michigan.
Frank Jameson is such a piece of work.
It's truly disgusting that he even tries his senseless garbage malicious antics, believing in his own worthless asinine psycho moronic trash.
As if others should, too.
I think anyone with an ounce of sense can use their own judgement regarding Frank Jameson and what he says. There comes a point at which that a person can be bad enough and wrong enough that cutting them slack or caring about them really is no longer even what to do. Frank Jameson is that far and away from even trying to or caring about doing or being good or right that he really is that much of trash that he has made of himself. It is not nice but it is the truth. Frank Jameson is so full of shit, it's truly disgusting. He honestly is such a reprehensible individual. He is so flawed and faulty through and through, by his own choice and will to be the trash that he is, and wants to be. Frank does not even deserve forgiveness. Frank does not even deserve being forgiven. He is way too far gone for that, even. Every time I hear his garbage nonsense he disgusts me.
Frank Jameson just believes whatever he wants to believe. Regardless of right or wrong. My explanations about him are correct. My explanations about him are right. My explanations about him are true. Use your own judgement. Decide for yourselves. Show all of the stuff involved in this, to whoever you may confide in for advice, so that you can get their input and feedback, to you, after they have seen and heard both of us. Frank Jameson and myself. Here, and YouTube, etc. Share it with someone as I have explained, here, now. Please. Not just young people, but more importantly, whoever you can confide in, that you know closely enough, who is older and wiser, who you are able to seek advice from, so you can gain from their insights and understanding, and wisdom, and perspective. Try it. Really. Please. Honestly. Please actually do it. I hope you do. Thanks.
What is Frank Jameson trying to achieve or accomplish by being the way he is and doing the things he does, including saying the things that he says? Do you know? Does he, even know? What could it possibly do for him? What could it possibly be good for? If you know, then please let me know! If you don't know, then, please try to find out, or figure it out? Could there possibly be any sense to the way that Frank Jameson is, and what he does? Is that all it really takes in order to beat everyone else so thoroughly as to render all others completely useless and worthless at holding anyone accountable for any wrongs that one does, is to simply be so bloody out of it, that nothing can be done? Is it really that ludicrous, but, yet, also very true, at the same time? It appears to be so, from my experience with this.


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