
Continuous throw wedgies vs isolation|fold twin hoop tutorial with Jasmine Kienne

Continuous throw wedgies vs isolation|fold twin hoop tutorial with Jasmine Kienne Twin hoop tutorial with Jasmine Kienne

Continuous throw wedgies vs isolation/fold

Prerequisite: be able to do a wedgie kick up, catching with left hand at left hip.

Begin with one hoop in left hand at the 6 o’clock inside grip position. Exchange for right hand (same inside grip at 6) and do a reverse isolation with the right hand (up to the left and down to the right). Fold the hoop directly down onto the left leg for the wedgie kick up. Tuck out right leg as you catch the hoop with your left hand at the left hip. Bring the hoop with left hand over the head back to original framed position.

One hoop:
Kick up
Over head

Hoops together. Begin with left hoop framing your upper body and head, holding the hoop with left hand inside grip at 6 o’clock. Throw right hoop onto left leg for wedgie kick up and grab left hoop at the 6 o’clock position with right hand for exchange. Reverse isolation with right hand as the left leg does a wedgie kick up and catch the left hoop at the left hip with left hand and bring over head back into original framed position. Repeat.

Hoops together:
Fold down
Kick up

Thank you so much for watching today and happy hooping!!!


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