006: CONSISTENT AND SPECIALIZED MARKETING IMPACTS THE BOTTOM LINE WITH KATE GREUNKE Today I have the pleasure of talking with Kate the Socialite, published author, podcast host of The Kate Show,and founder of Socialite. Kate’s #1 goal is to help home professionals market their businesses with ease and simplicity through email newsletters, social media, graphic design and website design.
• Confidence
• Consistency
• Connection
• It is important to have visuals before moving forward in a design project.
• Confidence is more valuable than the money itself because it propels us forward.
• Profit is about the confidence. Proverbs 31
• Confused customers do not come back. Keep a consistent message so disconnects do not happen.
• Find your niche.
• Select one social media platform and invest big in that marketing channel.
• The “pot of gold” in email-marketing campaigns is your email list. Your email list is more beneficial than how many followers you have on social media.
• Do not wait to start email marketing, do it now because it brings in a faster ROI than other activities.
• Review your marketing quarterly. On social media, look for how many people are going from social media to the website. On the website, the goal is to capture people’s names and emails. And with email marketing, look for how many people are actually opening the email. Your goal should be to stay above 20%.
LINKS AND RESOURCES: • Get free email newsletters for your interior design firm or workroom by going to www.katethesocialite.com
• The Kate Show podcast:
• Hopper HQ is a great resource that Kate uses for scheduling social media posts and analytics.
• Instagram: @kate.the.socialite
• Facebook: @KatetheSocialite
• Email: kate@katesocialite.com