--- ♡ Open Me ♡ ---
Hi guys! Today I am sharing an overview of all of the build and buy objects coming with The Sims 4 Discover University!
♡ Contact -
PO BOX 9128
Bakersfield CA 93311
♡ origin: simlicy
♡ twitter: twitter.com/simlicy
♡ pinterest: pinterest.com/simlicy/
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♡ Music by Epidemic Sound (
Channel Art - Banner & Intro
♡ Created by MsGryphi -
-- FAQ --
What Reshade do you use?
- I use a re-shade preset by @Harrie
( I have made few edits to this preset, I turned off both LiftGammaGain and Colourfulness and I turned on LumaSharpen )
Where can I find that CC shelf?