
BREAKING:Bill Barr Counter Attack Plan Delivered in Speech-Durham indictments severe & sweeping

BREAKING:Bill Barr Counter Attack Plan Delivered in Speech-Durham indictments severe & sweeping BREAKING: In an historic and powerful speech just given to the Federalist Society, for the 1st time in public, AG Bill Barr speaks plainly of his ardent support for the Trump Presidency and the institution of the Presidency itself. SUPPORT INSPONEWS: PayPal  
It was with righteous indignation that Barr refers to the left-wing & Democrats "scorched earth policy" toward President Trump & the Republican Party.
As Barr stated "The Left-wing in this nation has abandoned the principle of a 200 year long tradition of 'loyal opposition' and instead has set on a destructive course of open warfare and insurrection seeking the utter destruction and total control of opposition parties in this country,"
Barr goes on to say, "This poses a gravest threat to the American Republic since the Revolution - greater than the Civil War, World War 2 or the war on radical Islamic terror."
Barr directly refers to the fake & phony impeachment attack on the President as being a "declaration of war" on our Lockean system of 3 branches of government
Bill Barr's Counter Attack Plan laid out in Speech-Durham grand jury criminal indictments shocking in amount & severity
The Mueller probe, the Schiff probe, various other SDNY investigations, demand for tax returns , the recent unconstitutional closed door hearings of the diplomatic core and Intel communities, whistleblowers are all symptomatic of this foundational attack the Democrats are waging on the institution of the Presidency itself in their obsessed quest to destroy President Trump but also represents the erosion of Article 2 powers - especially since the Nixon years. This sad and tragic systematic weakening of the Executive branch of government Bill Barr plans on reversing and returning our US gov. back to the founders original, vision of 3 co-equal branches of government and for us all to never to fear the powerful "unity principle" of the Chief executive.
The President's priorities are putting AMERICA FIRST. President Trump's agenda is visionary and with Solomonic wisdom - he will prosper, protect & defend our great country at all costs.
Call and support him today. 1-202-456-1111
Call your Congressman and Senator 1-202-224-3121
Call the Dept. of Justice & Bill Barr 1-202-514-2000 1-202-353-1555
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Bill Barr's Counter Attack Plan laid out in Speech-Durham grand jury criminal indictments,David Holmes testomony to Schiff intel committe,Marie Yavonovitch testiomy in House intel committe,President Donald Trump protests ubfair Schiff impeachment hearing,Trump calls Holmes and fake whistleblowers a farce and fake,

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