I am in some serious psychic pain. I'm looking around at my internal wiring. This is cruelty, God, to make someone look so-called normal and enable them to fudge through life as so-called regular guys, only to then add in all these sensory overloads ultimately blocking one from pure experience.
There is no cure for Asperger's. It is a condition. It's like losing a leg or something. It's akin to a relative dying or when the ball went through Buckner's legs. There's no time machine, that stuff happened and nothing can change it.
I've been on the internet long enough in which my weak spots must be extremely easy to notice and then pick at. For anyone out there who has ever been nice to me or in other words helped myself along the way, thank you. You might have somehow saved my life.
I knew the whole time I wasn't crazy. The fear has always been that someone would put me on medications which would only make the condition worse. No one wants to be looked at as nuts. If you get a cold, you can do a few things. Vitamin C and zinc lozenges provide relief. There's no medicine for autism. It's simply completely different wiring. Looking back, I think I actually did ask to be born, but I never requested this other monkey wrench.