In today’s video I’ll show you 5 signs and #symptoms that may tell you if you have kidney damage or even chronic kidney disease.
Maybe you are wondering if that back kidney pain you are having is a symptom of renal failure or if the foamy urine is actually caused by a leakage from the #kidney.
Understanding the symptoms of kidney failure is not easy because we are talking about a disease that progresses over the years with very few symptoms, if any at all kidney #disease
What makes it even harder to tell if a #symptom is caused by #kidneydisease is the non-specificity of the symptoms.
This means that almost all the symptoms usually associated with kidney disease are often found in a lot of other conditions too.
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So I’ve made this video for all those people who are not sure if the symptoms they are seeing are actually signs of kidney damage or kidney problems or if they are just a false alarm.
Symptoms like fatigue, back pain, change in the urination patterns or maybe erectile dysfunction in males… yes kidney disease can cause even erectile dysfunction… are caused by several medical conditions, not just by kidney damage.
So today I’ll show you exactly how to understand what your body is telling you about the health of your kidneys and if you need to schedule an appointment with your doctor right away to get tested.
But… Please understand that having just one of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean that you have kidney disease or a kidney damage.
But do not ignore the symptoms either.
You should be proactive if you suspect that you have kidney problems.
Most of the times, doctors don't look for kidney disease and don’t get you tested for it until you show a lot of symptoms. And that would mean that you’re already in an advanced stage.
Disclaimer: seek appropriate professional advice before taking any action based on the info provided on this channel.
And this can be an issue, because the sooner this disease is diagnosed, the better the treatment options are.
Now, as you can see, chronic kidney disease is divided into 5 stages.
This is a disease that progresses slowly over time. Some doctors call it the silent killer, because, as you can see, it has no symptoms in the first stages and when you see the symptoms it means that you are already in stage 3 and your kidneys have less than 50% of their function left.
Now, if you can get diagnosed in stage 2 or 3 you would be able to make some simple changes in your lifestyle and stop the progression of the disease. But it will require a lot more effort to fight it if you only get diagnosed in stage 4 or 5.
Unfortunately, it’s a lot more common to get diagnosed in stage 4 or 5 than in stage 2 because the symptoms are more noticeable.
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