In this episode, you'll learn how understanding and interpreting signals will help you attract more clients, increase your sales, and help your business.
Whether you are making every effort in getting more leads or are just curious about how these so-called signals can impact your business, this is the podcast for you.
----- Automated Transcript Below:
Dean Soto 0:00 Hey, this is Dean Soto, founder of freedom in five minutes.com. And we're here again with another freedom in five minutes podcast episode. Today's topic is this. There's no such thing as success and failure only signals that and more coming up.
Well, hello. I am so glad to be back with you. This is a wonderful day and a really cool story that I think is going to resonate with you.
Well, so, my, one of my partners, Paul, and Mr. Paul Tran, and I went and spoke at we work we spoke we work I think I mentioned this maybe in the last podcast or one of the podcasts. But we went and we spoke at we work in Costa Mesa, California, both at Park center And Park tower which they're right next to each other. It's it's pretty hard to it's actually, I should say it was pretty hard to miss them. But I we actually did miss them when we first went there because they're so close to each other we didn't know if we were in the right one. But anyway, it was it was awesome, really interesting experience both days. So the first day, Paul, and I got up and so the way this the that the talk is structured, Paul, at least for now in this particular trial trial of these talks, Paul gives the the brunt of the presentation. He's been wanting to really break into the public speaking realm. I've been doing public speaking for a long time to include a full year of public speaking. While I was deployed in Kuwait, like literally every weekend it was doing public speaking with a given a doing some something with some kind of presentation with a military general Every weekend, it was not fun in the beginning, but afterward it became second nature is really awesome, actually.
But I digress.
So he really wanted to get into the public speaking realm. And with that being said, is really cool because he, he really had a lot of courage and took the opportunity to, to develop himself really by putting himself in fire, just really going through and getting trial by fire. And so the first round, the first round and structure of the presentation, he got up there did extremely well that was one thing is that he had a really good stage presence about him and did extremely well and was extremely credible. And then hot potato the mic to me in about eight or 10 minutes, and I
pretty much delivered the rest of the presentation. Just improvising the entire thing.
But it was cool because people seemed to really love the presentation. They loved it, even though it was winging it. So we went later on that day, we went back to his house. And we ended up restructuring the entire talk, because of just how it just wasn't structured. Well, it didn't sell well, it wasn't it was just kind of odd, just in general, but people loved it because it was really informative. And, and I in Paul Paul was really, really good. And then I, you know, I've just been doing this for a while. So the first talk was just it just worked out really well. The second talk was structured really well, but I don't know if it was delivered well on both of our ends, really, Paul, Paul really hit hit a couple great base hits in the very beginning, and really had some awesome awesome things. But it was more it wasn't really the from the comparing. When he started the first one to this one. He was was like 900 times better. And Paul, I know you listen to these. So this is some good constructive criticism because I think you were night and day better. I mean, it was so good the second round. And I think it was more of the structure of the presentation, that it just didn't lend well to the topic that we had, which the topic was how it was blessing, the blessing the growth of your business. And so everything had to be put into this blessing type of it's kind of this frame that we're trying to put people into and trying to put this presentation into. And so he, so he did a really, really well, but it was hard because because we had we were trying to get Pete credit, put the presentation into this one frame, and it just wasn't working too well. So even when I got up, it was it was just very it was awkward. It just was an awkward thing all around. Right and And so it was cool because people enjoyed it. But at the same time, they gave some good criticism, one of those things being well, we don't really know what you guys do, like, you know, you're kind of there was kind of a little bit of a pitch, hey,...