"I'm sick of the whole thing", said resident Barbara Harding. While Samantha Heasman said "it feels like we are going round in circles".
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson sent an unsigned letter to the EU late on Saturday seeking a delay to Britain's impending October 31 departure from the bloc, as required by law. But he followed it with a signed letter indicating that he does not favour another Brexit extension.
Johnson's letters came after another tumultuous day in the House of Commons, which worked in a Saturday session for only the first time since the Falklands War in 1982. For hours, British lawmakers issued both ringing endorsements and scathing condemnations of Johnson's Brexit deal, only to kick any decision on it down the road by passing an amendment withholding approval for the deal until laws enabling it are passed. That could take days, or even weeks.
Johnson has long declared that he plans to take the U.K. out of the EU on October 31 come what may, and his minister in charge of Brexit again emphasised that stance.
The formal granting or denial of an extension by the bloc may not be made until the Brexit deadline is just days away, but most signs indicate the EU would prefer an extension to an abrupt U.K. departure from the bloc without a deal in place.
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