
University of Johannesburg's latest exhibition titled 'Conversing the Land Through Art'

University of Johannesburg's latest exhibition titled 'Conversing the Land Through Art' It both documents and interrogates the many ways in which visual artists have grappled with the land in an attempt to understand who we are, where we come from, what we had and what we have lost.
That's the University of Johannesburg's latest exhibition titled Conversing the Land Through Art: Interpretations of Contemporary South African Land Issues opening today.
To tell us more we are joined by Katlego Lefine from the MTN Art Collection and Annali Dempsey who is the curator of the UJ Art Gallery

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SABC News,actuality,world news,local news,sport news,University of Johannesburg,'Conversing the Land Through Art',exhibition,MTN Art Collection,Annali Dempsey,UJ Art Gallery,Katlego Lefine,

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