
Struggle To Success : हालातों से लड़कर हासिल की Government Job | Hemchandra | Josh Talks Hindi

Struggle To Success : हालातों से लड़कर हासिल की Government Job | Hemchandra | Josh Talks Hindi 10’x10’ फुट के कमरे से निकलकर Government officer बनने तक. हेमचंद्र के लिए सपनों की राह आसान नहीं थी. उन्होने छोटी उम्र में ही अपने पिता को खो दिया. जिसकी वजह से उनकी मां ने घर की ज़िम्मेदारी संभाली.
हेमचंद्र एक छोटे से घर में रहते थे. जिसके चलते वो अपने परिवार के हालात बदलना चाहते थे. इसके लिए हेमचंद्र ने खूब पढ़ाई की और एक नामी University में एडमिशन लिया. अपनी Graduation पूरी करने के बाद हेमचंद्र ने Government Job की तैयारी करना शुरु किया और अपनी मेहनत के दम पर जॉब हासिल की. पर हेमचंद्र के सपनों की भूख बड़ी थी और उन्होनें UKPSC के exam को crack कर Assistant Director Agriculture का पद हासिल किया.
इस जोश Talk में देखिये कि कैसे हर चुनौती से लड़कर हेमचंद्र ने सफलता पाई.

As someone rightly quotes, ‘Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.’
Success and struggle go hand in hand. We all struggle in our life but people who never give up achieve success. Hemchandra’s story is one such example of overcoming all the challenges in life and creating his own success story.
Coming from a very humble background, Hemchandra lost his father at a young age. Due to which his mother took over the responsibility of the house. Hemchandra want to improve the condition of his family. So he studied hard and got admission in one of the most reputed agriculture university i.e. G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology. After completing his graduation, he cleared many government exams. Then later on, he went to give Uttarakhand State Public Service Commission exam and today he is working as Assistant Director Agriculture in Uttarakhand Government.

In this Hindi motivational Josh talk, see how Hemchandra overcome all struggles and changed the fate of his family.
Through this talk, he shares his journey about how he survived the difficult time in his life and learned from his failures and struggles.
Also, if you are trying to find answers to questions such as how to become successful, how struggles can motivate you to dream big and how you can believe in yourself to achieve dreams.
Find all your answers in this Inspirational Josh Talks.

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#StruggleStory #StruggleToSuccess #JoshTalksHindi

Struggle to Success,Struggle,success story,Government Job,Government officer,Chase your dreams,Motivation to study,Believe in yourself,Never give up,Josh talks,Josh Talks Hindi,Josh talk,Impossible,possible,determination,dream big,SSC CISF Subinspector,Farm Manager,SSC CISF,Uttarakhand,Follow your dreams,Success motivation,Hard Work,Inspiration,Passion,Challenges,overcome failure,success motivation,motivational video,believe in yourself,

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