I was going to grab some pre-sliced meat and cheese from the Grab n' Go section when I saw this scruffy old mouse/rat scurry out from the middle of this center-floor cooler. Completely ignoring me Ralph (yes, I named him) went right for a package of Swiss (obviously) and went to town on the plastic wrapping. No matter how close I got Ralph fearlessly ignored the camera and proved once and for all why the store is appropriately named, 'Food 4 Less.'
-- I couldn't help but notice that Ralph's hair appears to be holding enough static electricity to power an electric cheese slicer.
-- I passed on the deli and bought some chips and dip instead.
-- All kidding aside and an honest opinion, if a store like this isn't 24 hours and closes for the night then these pre-cut deli meats/cheeses should not be left out overnight in these open-air coolers and stored in the deli's glass case enclosure. If this is 'too much extra work' then there should be a fully-enclosed shutter system because these coolers are open game for rodents until the morning shift comes in. It may not fully resolve the issue (specially since this rodent in particular appeared from the center of the cooling unit), but it would help in keeping future rodents from coming in and building nests in the center units. Also, weekly (if not daily), inspections should be conducted by all personnel and if any issues arise then they should be pro-actively resolved. Finally, be active in employee training and procedures and don't just rely on an employee to self-manage. Unfortunately some employees see some issues as too big, or are ambivalent.
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